Three Things Your Healthcare Web Design Will Instantly Convey to Patients

Candice Claassen

Candice Claassen

Posted on May 26, 2015

healthcare web design
When it comes to healthcare web design, you have less than a second to capture a visitor’s interest. In their eyes, a better prospect is only a click away. In short, first impressions matter. Think of your website as a virtual storefront: if the windows are dirty, no one will see what you have to offer, and they won’t come back.
Consumers are looking for healthcare providers that are attentive, organized and detail-oriented. No matter how good your service is, if you’re not actively convincing people of these traits, you’re convincing them of the opposite.
Start communicating the qualities that make you an industry leader by considering the following three that your healthcare website will instantly convey:

1. Are you modern or old-fashioned?

If your site is out-of-date or poorly maintained, people will assume the worst. No one wants a provider that doesn’t keep up with the times. A modern design, fresh content and updated contact information will dispel the notion that you are neglectful or that business is doing poorly.
To convey that your healthcare organization is modern and attentive, your site should:

  • Be responsive or mobile-friendly
  • Include correct contact information that’s easy to find
  • Be updated regularly with relevant, high-quality content

2. Are you organized or disorganized?

[related_content]If your website is difficult to navigate, customers will get frustrated and give up. Visitors shouldn’t have to work hard to find important information. No one wants to waste their time looking for something they can easily find elsewhere. Communicate effectively by posting well-organized, searchable content. Give visitors a reason to spend a lot of time on your site by asking, “What is my audience looking for?”
Make sure your they leave satisfied by:

  • Streamlining your navigation
  • Drawing the eye to the most important information first
  • Avoiding cluttered visuals

3. Are you detail-oriented or lazy and confused?

When browsing your medical site, visitors are evaluating whether or not they would willing to put their health in your hands. Details are everything when it comes to establishing yourself as an industry expert. If you produce vague content about something technical, people will often attach negative traits to your organization.
Avoid coming across as lazy or inept by making sure that:

  • All necessary and relevant information is easily accessible to visitors
  • You offer further resources for those who want more information
  • Your grammar and spelling are impeccable
  • Your tone is consistent across all content

When it comes to your online presence, failing to meet the expectations of potential patients will send them running to your competitors.

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